After 2 months of planning, here at East West, we have just completed a series of qualitative based market research groups in Beijing and Shanghai for a major entertainment client.
The results are confidential but overall proved to be enlightening, highly informative and the feedback provided a combination of confirmation and added direction for our client’s strategy for moving their business into China.
The East West team organised six groups totaling 48 people, all carefully selected (from Beijing and Shanghai only) and interviewed to achieve a balanced mix of ages, gender, incomes and statuses. The respondents were shown a variety of stimulus covering images, text, video and product explanations. Each group session lasted for two hours with three sessions delivered per city.
The process delivered on two fronts.
The live groups gave invaluable ‘on the ground’ insight into our clients plans and ideas for breaking into the Chinese market. In addition, the feedback let our client understand the values and views of each city as a market and served up a number of interesting new ideas. The groups delivered an informed ‘real world perspective’ on how our client could tailor their product into these two large but very different cities totaling over 45 million people.
The second half involved East West carrying out a series of online research projects to establish an up to date guide on local commercial opportunities, key suppliers, pricing models, product pricing, marketing channels and an analysis of known competitors.
The combined routes have outlined and help fill in a picture of how, where, who, when and why for their plans on moving into this exciting and dynamic Chinese marketplace.
The East West focus group team and group of participants in the interview centre in Beijing & Shanghai