The Royal Mail Stamp Programme was set up to commemorate and celebrate British heritage, achievement and history. The Royal Mail as an official licensee of Disney, issued the official Star Wars stamps in October 2015. The Star Wars issue is consistent with a strategy to take stamps to a non-stamp collecting market as “the” souvenir, keepsake or gift of choice for major events or subjects that attract fans or the wider public.
Royal Mail tasked the team to create awareness and a demand for Star Wars stamps in China as well as the Royal Mail Stamp Programme. Surprising to many, the Star Wars brand is not that well known in China, so the focus market was mainly the stamp collecting sector.
With a focus on the key sales channel to be on TMall, the launch campaign included a dedicated Chinese website, a Weibo page, a We Chat account combined with localised Chinese social media marketing, banner advertising, blogging, QQ activity and establishing an affiliate marketing base.
We will report back on results in a later post.